Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Chu, Jun, Christine A. Mair, Takashi Yamashita, and Jie Chen. (2025). “Assessing the Incremental Health Care Utilization and Expenditures Associated with Serious Psychological Distress by Living Arrangements among Older Adults.” Journal of Applied Gerontology.

Mair, Christine A. (2024). “’Successfully’ Aging ‘Alone’?: Unequal Global Opportunities and Rising Risks in Family-Based Models of Care Cross-Nationally.” The Gerontologist 65(1).

Nayak, Sameera S., Christine A. Mair, and Suliyat O. Adewuyi. (2024). “Immigrant Status and Social Ties: An Intersectional Analysis of Older Adults in the United States.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health.

Narine, Donnette, Takashi Yamashita, and Christine A. Mair. (2023). “An Intersectional Approach to Examining Breast Cancer Screening among Subpopulations of Black Women in the United States.” Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities 11:3260-3271.

Antczak, Radoslaw, Nekehia T. Quashie, Christine A. Mair, and Bruno Arpino. (2023). “Less is (Often) More: Number of Children and Health Among Older Adults in 24 Countries.” Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences 78(11): 1892–1902.

Mair, Christine A., Lau Casper Thygesen, Melissa Aldridge, Djin Tay, and Katherine A. Ornstein. (2023). “End-of-Life Experiences among ‘Kinless’ Older Adults: A Nationwide Register-Based Study.” Journal of Palliative Medicine 26(8).

Tang, Dan, Christine A. Mair, and Qing Hu. (2023). “Widowhood, Social Networks, and Mental Health among Chinese Older Adults: The Moderating Effects of Gender.” Frontiers in Psychology – Psychology of Aging 14.

Mair, Christine A., M. Kristen Peek, Richard B. Slatcher, and Malcolm P. Cutchin. (2023). “Examining Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Coping and Stress within an Environmental Riskscape.” Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health 25: 1033–1042.

Arpino, Bruno, Christine A. Mair, Nekehia T. Quashie, and Radoslaw Antczak. (2022). “Loneliness Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Are Unpartnered and Childless Older Adults at Higher Risk?European Journal of Aging 19:1327–1338.

Mair, Christine A., Amanda J. Lehning, Shari R. Waldstein, Michele K. Evans, and Alan B. Zonderman. (2021). “Exploring Neighborhood Social Environment and Social Support in Baltimore City.Social Work Research 45(2):75-86.

Plick, Natalie P., Ankuda, Claire K., Mair, Christine A., Ornstein, Katherine A., and Husain, Mohammed. (2021). “A National Profile of Kinlessness at the End of Life among Older Adults.” Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 69(8):2143-2151.

Quashie, Nekehia T., Bruno Arpino, Radoslaw Antczak, & Christine A. Mair. (2021). “Childlessness and Health among Older Adults: Variation across 5 Outcomes and 20 Countries.” Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences 76(2):348-359.

Mair, Christine A. (2019). “Alternatives to Aging Alone?: ‘Kinlessness’ and the Importance of Friends across European Contexts.” Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences 74(8):1416-1428.

Sheridan, Paige, Christine A. Mair, Ana Quiñones.” (2019). “Associations between Prevalent Multimorbidity Combinations and Prospective Disability and Self-Rated Health among Older Adults in Europe.BMC Geriatrics 19(1):198-208.

Mair, Christine A., Feinian Chen, Guangya Liu, and Jonathan R. Brauer. (2016). “Who in the World Cares? Gender Gaps in Attitudes toward Support for Older Adults in 20 Nations.” Social Forces 95(1):411-438.

Ornstein, Katherine A., M D. Aldridge, Christine A. Mair, R. Gorges, A. S. Siu, and A. S. Kelley. (2016). “Spousal Characteristics and Older Adults’ Hospice Use: Understanding Disparities in End-of-Life Care.” Journal of Palliative Medicine 19(5):509-515.

Mair, Christine A., Ana Quiñones, and Maha Pasha. (2016). Care Preferences among Middle Aged and Older Adults with Chronic Disease in Europe: Individual Healthcare Needs & National Healthcare Infrastructure.” The Gerontologist 56(4):687-701.

Chen, Feinian, Christine A. Mair, Louman Bao, and Yang Claire Yang. (2015). “Race/Ethnic Differentials in the Health Consequences of Caring for Grandchildren for Grandparents.” Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences 70(5):793-803.

McDonald, Steve, Feinian Chen, and Christine A. Mair.  (2015). “Cross-National Patterns of Social Capital Accumulation: Network Resources and Aging in China, Taiwan, and the United States.” American Behavioral Scientist 59(8):914-930.

Calvo, Esteban, Christine A. Mair, and Natalia Sarkisian. (2015). “Individual Troubles, Shared Troubles: The Multiplicative Effect of Individual and Country-level Unemployment on Life Satisfaction in 95 Nations (1981-2009).” Social Forces 93(4):1625-1653.

Onukwugha, Eberechukwu, Phillip Osteen, Jinani Jayasekera, C. Daniel Mullins, Christine A. Mair, and Arif Hussain. (2014). “Race Disparities in Urologist Visits among Elderly Men with Prostate Cancer: An Analysis of Patient- and County-Level Factors.” Cancer 120(21): 3385-3392.

Mair, Christine A. (2013). “Family Ties and Health Cross-Nationally: The Contextualizing Role of Familistic Culture and Public Pension Spending in Europe.” Journals of Gerontology: Social Sciences 68(6):974-983.

Liu, Guangya, Matthew E. Dupre, Danan Gu, Christine A. Mair, and Feinian Chen. (2012). “Psychological Well-Being of the Institutionalized & Community-Residing Oldest Old in China: The Role of Children.” Social Science & Medicine 75(10):1874-1882.

Hunt, Andrea N., Christine A. Mair, and Maxine P. Atkinson. (2012). “Teaching Community Networks: Exploring Informal Social Support and Information Sharing among Graduate Students.” Teaching Sociology 40(3):198-214.

Chen, Feinian, Guangya Liu, and Christine A. Mair. (2012). “Intergenerational Ties in Context: Grandparents Caring for Grandchildren in China.” Social Forces 90(2):571-594.

Cutchin, Malcolm P., Karl Eschbach, Christine A. Mair, and James S. Goodwin. (2011). “The Socio-spatial Neighborhood Estimation Method: An Approach to Operationalizing the Neighborhood Concept.” Health & Place 17:1113-1121.

Mair, Christine A., Malcolm P. Cutchin, and M. Kristen Peek. (2011). “Allostatic Load in an Environmental Riskscape: The Role of Stressors and Gender.” Health & Place 17:978-987.

Mair, Christine A. (2010). “Social Ties and Depression: An Intersectional Examination of Black and White Community-Dwelling Older Adults.”  Journal of Applied Gerontology 29(6):667-696.

Mair, Christine A. and R.V. Thivierge-Rikard. (2010). “The Strength of Strong Ties for Older Rural Adults: Regional Distinctions in the Relationship between Social Ties and Subjective Well-Being.”  The International Journal of Aging & Human Development 70(2):119-143.

McDonald, Steve and Christine A. Mair. (2010). “Social Capital and the Life Course: Age and Gendered Patterns of Network Resources.” Sociological Forum 25(2):335-359.

Book Chapters

Mair, Christine A. (2024). “Social Support: A Diverse, Multilevel, Unequal Resource.Handbook on Inequality and Social Capital (Steve McDonald, Rochelle Côté, Jing Shen, Eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Mair, Christine A. (2024). “Conceptualizing Contextual Variation in Older Adults’ Quality-of-life Cross-Nationally: Challenges and Opportunities.” Handbook of Quality of Life Research: Place and Space Perspectives (Robert Marans, Robert Stimson, and Noah Webster, Eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Mair, Christine A. (2013). “European Older Adults’ Social Activity Networks in National Context: A Cross-National Exploration of National Culture, Policy, and Economic Characteristics.” Aging in European Societies (C. Phellas, Ed.). New York, NY: Springer.

Other Works

Mair, Christine A. and Danan Gu. (2021). “Intergenerational Family Structures.” Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Editors: Gu, Danan, Dupre, Matthew E. (Eds.). Springer International Publishing.

Mair, Christine A. (2021). “Kinship Networks.” Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Editors: Gu, Danan, Dupre, Matthew E. (Eds.). Springer International Publishing.

Mair, Christine A. (2013). Book Review, Valuing Care Work: Comparative Perspectives (C. Benoit and H. Hallgrímsdóttir, Eds.). International Journal of Comparative Sociology 54(1): 78-80.

Fitzgerald, Kelly G. and Christine A. Mair. (2012). “Making the World Age-Friendly: One City at a Time.” Regional Health Forum: WHO South-East Asia Region, Special Issue on Ageing and Health 16(1):17-22.

Mair, Christine A. (2009). Book Review, Rural Retirement Migration (D. L. Brown and N. Glasgow, Eds.). Rural Sociology 74(3): 463-466.

Mair, Christine A. and Feinian Chen. (2008). “Correlation versus Causation.” Encyclopedia of the Life Course and Human Development (D. Carr, Ed.). Farmingham Hills, MI: Gale.