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Welcome! I am an Associate Professor of Sociology and Gerontology and Director of the Center for Health, Equity, & Aging (CHEA) in Department of Sociology, Anthropology, & Public Health (SAPH) at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) located in Baltimore, Maryland, USA.

I also hold a secondary appointment in the Department of Epidemiology & Public Health in the University of Maryland School of Medicine.


Enjoying that social media-free life since 2020! ✌️

To contact me, email:

christine_mair (at)

The overall goal of my research is to understand variation in older adults’ social environments (family structures, networks, neighborhoods) and health cross-nationally to identify options for promoting well-being among aging populations that are particularly vulnerable to social isolation.

Specifically, I’m interested in how the presence or absence of family and non-family ties are linked to social support and social integration, and how this process differentially shapes mental health, physical health, end-of-life experiences, and other aspects of well-being across modern and historical cultures and societies.

Below are some photos from my international collaborative travels. 🙂